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〔曼 斿 者  Flâneurese〕世界





⎡ 眼睛是相機的觀景窗⎦​


即將於111級 從文藻傳藝系畢業的 我們

如今 每個人都有意屬自我編織的 夢想和憧憬

四年文藻的大學生活 微宇宙形式的學習體驗

無不是傳藝人 認識淵博雍雅世界的取鏡之門

曼 斿 者 如同獨特的我們 與不同的部首並行 

呼應了每個人如何建構自身的認知 如何以個人形式的風格 漫遊多元世界 


111級文藻傳藝系〔曼斿者〕畢業專題製作全體參展團隊 在此誠摯地邀請您 以您自身的姿態 斿走於整座校園中我們為您設計的美術館 


Flâneurese concerns the formality and ritual in life of how our generation read the world. It is an artistic lifestyle of how the universe is recognized by the new era. 

By straying freely and aimlessly on the street, 
our pair of eyes seems like the viewfinder of the camera. What projects into the eyes are the images that lays await to which desire our attention, and foremostly our caring thoughts.

We are about to graduate as 111 Year Wenzao Communication Arts BA students, and we all have our own dreams intertwined with plenteous prospects to look forward to. Four years of study in Wenzao University has been a cross-disciplinary-immersive form of micro-universe learning experiences. It was absolutely a righteous door of study agent in which we were accompanied to mirror the sophisticated world. 
Each one of us as unique as Flâneures every individual as the Chinese symbols(曼、斿) that incline to travel the multi-versatile world by different radicals ultimately resonate with a variety of characteristic individualities, which will also represent cutting age derived views on the concept of constructivism of the world.  

All the members of 111 Year Wenzao Communication Arts Flâneures BA Degree Project Production Team give out big heart to invite you as THE individual symbol, just be yourself, in your own pace to stroll around in the campus-simulated-gallery degree show heart-warmingly designed for you.

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